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What should the subsequent TWIKE 6 look like?
This question was asked a few weeks ago by a prospective partner from overseas after the test drive in the TWIKE 4 and presentation of the development status of the TWIKE 5. To give the description was not difficult, it should actually be like the TWIKE 5: only cheaper due to lower but still sufficient performance and due to the production in larger series.
Why wait then and not start developing the TWIKE 6 now?
The answer to this was already less easy. The development of the TWIKE 4 was originally planned for a larger series, but participation in the Automotive X-PRIZE in the USA had drained our energy and liquidity enormously. The result of crossing the finish line in 3rd place in this unique $10 million US dollar competition, with the lowest consumption of all finalists, remains elusive to us. But none of the other finalists or even other promising entrants with budgets in the triple-digit millions have since launched a successful product. In all this, we were concerned about risking the positive history of TWIKE and our company in the rapid growth. The limitation to an exclusive series of 500 vehicles was thus both a risk limitation and a perception of opportunity.
But doesn’t a limitation risk losing the connection and ceding potential to more courageous competitors?
This question sat and we could not dismiss the danger. Fresh uninitiated startups and also university spin offs massively pumped up by funding are shining in the press with price announcements for electric class-M vehicles (passenger cars) that should strike fear into the hearts of even established high-volume manufacturers. Whether they are really afraid or just waiting for the startups to fail? We will see. In any case, the purchase price expectations of interested parties were aroused, which are not feasible in the small series. On the positive side, however, it must be noted that this brings the topic to the wider public and creates a potentially larger market. And the TWIKE’s special attributes – fitness training, lightweight design and impressive efficiency all at the same time – have yet to be topped by anyone else.
The further discussion with a partner from overseas was very positive and after a following one-week return visit and intensive workshop a cooperation could be agreed upon. The work packages for the coming weeks are diverse and are essentially aimed at investigating and securing the marketing and larger-scale series production of a TWIKE 6 now. We will also rethink our financing strategy. The TWIKE 5 will benefit from this.
Are you interested in a TWIKE? Or simply find our development good and want to support us? We will be happy to send you further information. Just send us a message in the following contact form. We look forward to seeing you!