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A sustainable product is characterized by the fact that it is produced and used in a way that conserves resources, is environmentally friendly and takes social aspects into account. Responsible use of our planet’s finite resources also includes ensuring that a product is designed to last. As is well known, these attributes have increasingly receded into the background in recent decades. Many items are manufactured so cheaply that repairing them is not worthwhile and defective parts or the whole product are simply replaced with a new one – even if they are flown in or shipped in from distant countries. TWIKE’s brand philosophy is different. Sustainably produced products are often more expensive. One reason for this is that the quantities are smaller and the components are purchased at a higher cost than for large series. On the other hand, components are often installed, which are made of higher quality, should achieve a long service life.
Eine hohe Lebensdauer lässt sich auch durch aufwändige Wartung und regelmäßige Pflege erreichen – es soll ja so manche Oldtimer-Besitzer*innen geben, deren Kopf häufiger unter der Motorhaube als hinter der Windschutzscheibe zu sehen ist. Der Anspruch von TWIKE ist allerdings, ein 100% alltagstaugliches Fahrzeug anzubieten. Das TWIKE ist darauf ausgelegt, dass es möglichst lange ohne größeren Wartungsaufwand unterwegs sein kann. Hier bietet der Elektroantrieb per se erhebliche Vorteile: er ist deutlich weniger komplex und besteht aus deutlich weniger (Verschleiß-)teilen. Elektromotoren sind vibrationsarm, ein Getriebe gibt es nicht. Das Abbremsen durch “Elektrische Rekuperation” mindert den Verschleiß bei Bremsscheiben und -klötzen. Motoröl, Harnstoff, Zahnriemenwechsel? Brauchen Sie alles nicht!
Bereits das TWIKE 3 hat eine Lebensdauer von über 20 Jahren, erste haben bereits über 300.000 km Laufleistung auf dem Tacho. Die Konstruktion des TWIKE 5 ist noch stärker auf Service- und Reparaturfreundlichkeit ausgelegt und soll mindestens 30 Jahre lang und über 750.000 km seinen Dienst verrichten
Despite the advantages mentioned, it is an important criterion for TWIKE customers that service and repair services are readily available when needed – for many pilots, this is rightly a necessary prerequisite for their purchase decision. Therefore, the new TWIKE 5 is designed to allow more demanding service work in generally approved car and motorcycle workshops. Various jobs require the qualification of an electrician, but this is now a common qualification in workshops. The wheels (winter ⇔ summer) could also be changed by ourselves if necessary.
Independent workshops can be found practically everywhere, special tools are not mandatory for maintenance or repair. In this way, the TWIKE 5 will quickly gain a nationwide service network without having to make deeper investments. The durability also ensures good value retention – which, as with many sustainable products, puts the higher purchase price into perspective.