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Through even more efficiency! – Although it was actually said in the world of combustion engines: “There is no substitute for displacement, except … for even more displacement”. This is because displacement usually went hand in hand with high torque available over a wide engine speed range. But with an electric motor and especially with the drive of the TWIKE 5 torque is available. More than enough.
The challenge lies more in efficiency. There the TWIKE 5 is actually already good due to its low weight and optimally reduced size. Then why get better again? Because it makes sense. And because it is still possible in the current development phase. But we don’t want to jeopardize the targeted WLTP range of 400 km because we might have to switch to a robust but smaller battery cell. A short vehicle length does not generally offer the best conditions for this. However, intensive simulation shows that a cw value of 0.24 can be achieved with minor modifications.
A further improvement to 0.21 will require deeper measures and, above all, more intensive simulation work, but can foreseeably reduce WLTP consumption from an already impressive 7 to 6.5 kWh per 100 km driven. The focus of development work is still on the body-in-white, the chassis parts and the powertrain. This provides an opportunity to further optimize the exterior surfaces. And we would like to take advantage of this opportunity. To this end , the source of each disturbing air vortex (magenta blue in the illustration above) will be successively pursued from the front spoiler to the tear-off edge of the diffuser over the next few weeks and the drag reduced once again.