“Who invented it?” is the question that should be asked at this point. And the answer here is: “The Swiss!” Students at ETH Zurich developed the forefather of the TWIKE for the World Expo in Vancouver in 1986. The idea was too good to be forgotten afterwards. But until today’s TWIKE was still a long way:


The original Twike

The “Ur-TWIKE” is a two-seater bicycle with bodywork. It weighs 50 kg and can be accelerated to a speed of up to 50 km/h via pedal drive. In 1986, it won an award for ergonomics during the World’s Fair in Vancouver.


The Twike 2

The TWIKE II is presented. The aim is to develop a vehicle suitable for everyday use with a powerful electric auxiliary drive.


The Twike 2

The TWIKE II is presented. The aim is to develop a vehicle suitable for everyday use with a powerful electric auxiliary drive.


The Twike 3

TWIKE AG continues to develop the TWIKE to series production readiness. After down payments of 7,000 Swiss francs (or 7,000 DM) each by 190 first customers, series production was started in 1995 and the first TWIKE 3s were delivered.


The Twike Club

Foundation of the TWIKE Club Switzerland.
The TWIKE Club promotes contact between riders, sympathizers and interested parties and cultivates the TWIKE vision with joint events.


The Twike Club

Foundation of the TWIKE Club Switzerland.
The TWIKE Club promotes contact between riders, sympathizers and interested parties and cultivates the TWIKE vision with joint events.



Foundation of FINE Mobile GmbH as German general importer.


Nordcap Challenge

In summer, a group of TWIKEs travels 10,000 km from Bern via the Baltic States to the North Cape and back via Scandinavia. In 2000, this earned the company an entry in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest distance traveled by e-mobile and the energy efficiency of the series-production vehicle demonstrated in the process.


North Cape Challenge

In summer, a group of TWIKEs travels 10,000 km from Bern via the Baltic States to the North Cape and back via Scandinavia. In 2000, this earned the company an entry in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest distance traveled by e-mobile and the energy efficiency of the series-production vehicle demonstrated in the process.


The Twike becomes German

After turbulence on the stock exchange, FINE Mobile GmbH takes over the complete production from Switzerland.


100 km range

With newly developed batteries, the TWIKE achieves a range of over 100 km for the first time.


100 km range

With newly developed batteries, the TWIKE achieves a range of over 100 km for the first time.


The Lion battery

The next big leap in range is the introduction of the LION battery. 200 km range is now possible. At the same time, there is no need for time-consuming battery maintenance – TWIKE riding has never been so uncomplicated.



Downunder victory

The TWIKE successfully participates in the World Solar Challenge in Australia. The Swiss team covers the 3,000 kilometers from Darwin to Adelaide with the lowest CO2 emissions in its class.


Downunder victory

The TWIKE successfully participates in the World Solar Challenge in Australia. The Swiss team covers the 3,000 kilometers from Darwin to Adelaide with the lowest CO2 emissions in its class.


The Automotive X-Prize

The TWIKE 4 prototype, constructed especially for this competition, achieves 3rd place in the internationally announced competition. 136 teams from all over the world had entered this showcase.



Victory at the “Wave

First place overall for the team in TWIKE 4 and additionally 6th place for a team with TWIKE 3: At the end of the 2,800 km route through all of Europe, our prototype convinced with its suitability for everyday use.


Victory at the “Wave

First place overall for the team in TWIKE 4 and additionally 6th place for a team with TWIKE 3: At the end of the 2,800 km route through all of Europe, our prototype convinced with its suitability for everyday use.


Victory at the “E-Miglia

After 800 km, the international electric vehicle rally “e-miglia” ended for the TWIKE team with the prize for the highest efficiency on the route.


Double victory at the “Wave

2,700 km the “WAVE 2012” led from Genoa to Amsterdam. First place was shared by Team TWIKE and Team Tesla from Austria. Second place went to the second TWIKE team in the race.


Double victory at the “Wave

2,700 km the “WAVE 2012” led from Genoa to Amsterdam. First place was shared by Team TWIKE and Team Tesla from Austria. Second place went to the second TWIKE team in the race.


Range record

Unbeaten in the range test: At the 1st eRUDA, the TWIKE reached 510 km with a current series battery. The Tesla Roadster gave up after 418 km.


New Twike 5 development

As good as the TWIKE 4 is – we knew from the start that it would only be a prototype. Now we are going into series production. The TWIKE 5 gets even better.


New Twike 5 development

As good as the TWIKE 4 is – we knew from the start that it would only be a prototype. Now we are going into series production. The TWIKE 5 gets even better.


EU homologation for the Twike

Thanks to the EU approval obtained for the TWIKE, there is now a green light to register the TWIKE throughout Europe. Now a TWIKE can be delivered with a COC (Certificate of Conformity) and registered in all European countries.


20 yEARS Twike

And a new website to mark the anniversary. We open our TWIKE 5 development lab and invite YOU to support us with your feedback.


20 years Twike

And a new website to mark the anniversary. We open our TWIKE 5 development lab and invite YOU to support us with your feedback.


New range record

The day was stormy and wet – nevertheless we managed the 613 km on the route Rosenthal – Putbus without a single intermediate charge.


Twike 5 development in full swing

Important milestones: The novel drive and innovative steering concept takes concrete shape.


Twike 5 development in full swing

Important milestones: The novel drive and innovative steering concept takes concrete shape.


Twike in motion at Rive Maroc

TWIKE participates in Africa’s first e-mobile rally RIVE MAROC with the first electric vehicle registered in Morocco, a TWIKE.


20 years Twike Nordcap Challenge

Already in 1998 six TWIKE drove from Switzerland to the North Cape and back. This event was attended by the pioneers of that time together with other TWIKE pilots and the first TWIKE 5 pioneers. Review.


20 years Twike Nordcap Challenge

Already in 1998 six TWIKE drove from Switzerland to the North Cape and back. This event was attended by the pioneers of that time together with other TWIKE pilots and the first TWIKE 5 pioneers. Review.



The birthplace of the TWIKE, Switzerland, presents the world premiere of the TWIKE 5. For the first time, the new vehicle is presented to the public and the trade press.


Series development of the Twike 5 starts

The CAD data of the shell created in the concept phase are checked for plausibility and discontinuity, meshed and subjected to forces known from typical crash cases but also from the known driving load cases and thus validated for their suitability. In parallel, the production processes are already being planned in more detail, the material flow defined, the space required for the production processes determined, and the purchasing conditions and delivery lot sizes agreed in initial contracts. Likewise, with the collection of initial documentation of the components worthy of testing and the comparison of the documentation with the legal approval requirements, the procedure of approval is prepared.


Series development of the Twike 5 starts

The CAD data of the shell created in the concept phase are checked for plausibility and discontinuity, meshed and subjected to forces known from typical crash cases but also from the known driving load cases and thus validated for their suitability. In parallel, the production processes are already being planned in more detail, the material flow defined, the space required for the production processes determined, and the purchasing conditions and delivery lot sizes agreed in initial contracts. Likewise, with the collection of initial documentation of the components worthy of testing and the comparison of the documentation with the legal approval requirements, the procedure of approval is prepared.


Twike 5 drive nominated

Regensburg-based Vitesco Technologies, which is a leading international developer and manufacturer of advanced powertrain technologies for sustainable mobility, will be the powertrain supplier for the TWIKE 5. Vitesco Technologies will be the first to use the highly integrated EMR3 system outside the passenger car sector, where it has already been selected for more than 20 vehicle models.


Company headquarters extended by hall conversion

The sustainable construction of the hall added to the main building is characterized, among other things, by an enclosure of the foundation with foam glass ballast, its wooden post-and-beam construction and cellusose-based insulation. The additional energy consumption can be covered by the solar system integrated on the roof due to the high thermal insulation standard. The space created with the new hall enables the logistics and production processes for the TWIKE 5 to be organized at the Rosenthal site.


Company headquarters extended by hall conversion

The sustainable construction of the hall added to the main building is characterized, among other things, by an enclosure of the foundation with foam glass ballast, its wooden post-and-beam construction and cellusose-based insulation. The additional energy consumption can be covered by the solar system integrated on the roof due to the high thermal insulation standard. The space created with the new hall enables the logistics and production processes for the TWIKE 5 to be organized at the Rosenthal site.



With the completion of the FET, consisting of the TWIKE chassis with frame, the chassis, the drive unit, the electrics and electronics, right through to the software, another major milestone has been reached. The roadworthy base frame now offers extensive opportunities for practical testing of the driving characteristics and further optimization and tuning of all vehicle components, right up to the gradual adjustments of the bodywork and interior.


TWIKE 5 Body in Black

After intensive development work, the first frame (Body in White) of the new TWIKE 5 was built. In series production, the sheet metal is also anodized black before joining – which is why the frame with its roll bar is called Body in Black at TWIKE.


TWIKE 5 Body in Black

After intensive development work, the first frame (Body in White) of the new TWIKE 5 was built. In series production, the sheet metal is also anodized black before joining – which is why the frame with its roll bar is called Body in Black at TWIKE.